Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Bitterly Sweet Song

Rynn came out with a very good song I must admit that. The melody is very very sweet,good composing! You can sense the happiness but a strong suppression of bitterness in his lyrics. I'm not sure what message he is trying to bring but in my humble opinion, he is telling a story about a marriage and the feeling of either the bride or the bridegroom. Probably the latter sounds more logical because he is a male composer. It started off by telling how the guy feels about the bride's dress, the firecrackers, the musical instruments, the cocktail and etc... everything seems... so sad to the bridegroom. He seems to marry someone he doesn't love and he had to force himself to forget about the previous relationship. In a relationship it is very true that you can't change your partner, so love who you love of what he or she is. Love your wife guys and stop thinking about your ex-girlfriends. But you can never forget her... I know... we can't.


詞:Rynn 曲:Rynn

起橋 鳳冠霞披卻不閃耀
鞭炮 燃燒的喜氣沾苦惱
嗩吶吹不響 烙在心上的某一段情調

苦笑 愛蒙上蓋巾看不到
醉掉 交杯酒跟誰不重要
掀起蓋頭來 親吻新人的臉幻想是你的面貌
你的好 當嫁妝 把愛當新娘

愛悄悄 經過寂寞的洗腦 改嫁到另一個人懷抱
心草草 隱藏回憶的心跳 試著要把你的忘掉
愛悄悄 這樣改嫁到終老 就是想你改也改不了
若被燙焦 大紅蠟燭兩頭燒 讓愛隨火滅掉

掀起你的蓋頭來 讓我來看看你的臉
嗚~~不是你的臉 嗚~~不是你的臉

愛悄悄 經過寂寞的洗腦 改嫁到另一個人懷抱
心草草 隱藏回憶的心跳 試著要把你的忘掉
愛悄悄 這樣改嫁到終老 就是想你改也改不了
若被燙焦 大紅蠟燭兩頭燒 讓愛隨火滅掉

愛過了門 就滅掉


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can feel the sadness of the songs. many thing is uncontrollable though we always try to put the best effect to make it better. so since we have try, just let be a nice memory in life.

Thursday, October 09, 2008 6:54:00 PM 
Blogger - Wern Sern said...

tonight:Yape... I have all the good memories inside... I just feel the song is nice and dedicating it to many of my friends who just broke up. Is that a trend lately for ending a relationship? If it is.. then I'm quite up to date. :P Jia you Wan Wan! Gonna miss you~

Thursday, October 09, 2008 11:40:00 PM 

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