Thursday, September 27, 2007

An inside job??

A mystery??!

Death by poison??!

Why larh??

I sometimes wonder what's wrong with human beings? How could they revenge on someone this way? How can they hurt the innocents? Like those Korean hostages,but not so lucky, this 600 marines already dead for some other people's rage.Why can't the terrorists or killers discuss their problems,talk to some social workers or psychologists? Or work harder to find a better life?What happen to our Tahun Cuti-cuti Malaysia? I've seen much much more bad deeds than good this year than the previous; express buses accidents with bad record drivers,robberies,rape,flag burning(riot),brutal killing,torturing,child abuse,lucky draw scam and blah blah you name it...what's wrong people???

This poster seems to be newly posted on the walls of some shop lots around my condo.I can only tell you that this guy is much much younger than me...what's wrong with the education nowadays?
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