Thursday, October 05, 2006

Why do you crap?(Part 1)

According to the studies,about 90% of our brain is not in used. Professionals also claim that about 60% of our time is spent inefficiently every day. I personally came into a conclusion that in every person,at least half of their speech/conversation is nonsense. Believe it or not,get yourself a voice recorder and try to record everyone's conversation.Removing those "Uhhh..Ahhh..Ehh..Emmm..",hesitations,meaningless remarks and rants,those words that really have it's meaning or useful is,maybe,less than half,or not even 20%.

The Reasons for crapping
Why do we crap?There is a reason behind this.Even though talking nonsense is meaningless,yet it has a very special advantage.For example,many senior citizens(i called them old man)like to repeat,because they are forgetful,they forget immediately after they have already told the story,so they tend to repeat.Sometimes the same line they repeated twice.And sometimes,they repeated what other says once again,or twice.

Try this,if you tell him,"Take things slowly since you're already old."
He may nodded and at the same time agrees,"Yeah,old already should take things slow." Sometimes once not enough,he repeats the second half,"Take things slowly lo..."
Suddenly he will look at you and shout,"What?!I don't want to be slow!"
Tell me,why does he repeat the line?
This is simply because he is reacting slow,a simple line from you,he can't understand it immediately.So he repeated to think,repeat and think.Finally get the meaning,then "black face"(angry silence).

Problems with Crapping
The problem is some people in their 30's,40's also repeat their words.Because they can't react fast enough,can't continue immediately,in their conversation.May be also because they lack of sleep,rely too much on medicine or losing concentration.When a person begin to repeat what he says,it appears that he is much older than his actual age.
Give yourself a moment,and think whether you like to repeat.Think again,will you stuck in a conversation if you can't repeat?Will you started to pause in between?
If you do,quickly do something about it.
Remember when was the first time you repeat words.Is it because you are affected by other people or the seniors?Maybe once you have low self esteem,you started to repeat and you can't help it?

When crap becomes vulgar
There are too many having this bad habit.Some people loves to add,"Basically" or "As far as I am concern" at the beginning of the line.Some likes," know?" or " say correct or not?" Some people from better-feed-family will add "What the f***!","D***!","S***!" and some in other dialects(commonly cantonese,hokkien,hakka,teowchew,mandarin,hainam and etc.)Maybe you thought i'm referring to someone.But crapping is unavoidable.Many can't avoid it,else the conversation is not smooth.If you ask them to stop using those words,"Basically","As far as I am concern"," know?"," say correct or not?","What the f***!","D***!","S***!" and etc. Maybe he/she don't know how to speak any more.

To be continue...


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